SUBMISSION The 6th Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus International Conference (KU-IC)

Instruction for authors

Submission Process

  1. Download Full paperTemplate on
  2. Save file's name in English with your first name and first alphabet of your last name. Example: Mr. Peter Brown, save as Peter.B.
  3. Save file in .pdf format.
  4. Notification for Full paper Edit will be sent via *Registered Email Address*
  5. Committee reserves the right not to consider paper that have not followed the Full Paper submission.

Download Template

Conference Fees

Presenter (All types) - 3,000 THB (100 USD)


  1. Attendance certificate as a presenter
  2. Acceptance letter to publish paper in E-proceedings
  3. Networking dinner
  4. Souvenir

Non-presenter (All types) - 1,500 THB (50 USD)


  1. Attendance certificate
  2. Networking dinner
  3. Souvenir

Non-presenter (All types) - 1,000 THB (30 USD)


  1. Attendance certificate
  2. Souvenir


  1. All types include students, lecturers, and general persons.
  2. Networking dinner will take place on the evening of Aug 26, 2024.

Contact Us

Division of Research and Innovation Administration,

Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus

199 Moo 6, Sukhumvit Road, Tung Sukla, Sri Racha, Chon Buri, 20230 THAILAND.

(+66) 064 628 1536